
Guidelines for Authors

You can submit your work via the web page or, in case of problems during submission, by e-mail to the publisher


There are no publication fees requested for the publication. However, the author may request additional services, e.g. a fast evaluation, fast publication, English checking by native speakers, other editorial services, press releases, and interviews with the author, services which are offered for a fee to be determined.


Clinical Neuropsychiatry considers the following types of paper:


Research Article:


This type of journal manuscript is suitable to publish full reports of data from research. It includes a full Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion sections plus References.


Review Article:


Review Articles provide a comprehensive summary of research on a certain topic, and a perspective on the state of the field and where it is heading. Reviews commonly cite approximately 100 primary research articles.

A systematic review is a type of review that uses repeatable methods to find, select, and synthesize all available evidence. It answers a clearly formulated research question and explicitly states the methods used to arrive at the answer. Developing and registering research protocol is an important step of conducting a systematic review. The research protocol ensures that a systematic review is carefully planned and explicitly documented before the review starts, thus promoting consistency in conduct for the review team and supporting the accountability, research integrity, and transparency of the eventually completed review. PRISMA stands for Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses. If you are planning on publishing your systematic review then you will want to follow the PRISMA guidelines and checklists, as this is the standard format for reporting systematic reviews.

An umbrella review specifically refers to review compiling evidence from multiple reviews into one accessible and usable document. Focuses on broad conditions or problems for which there are competing interventions and highlights reviews that address these interventions and their results.

Narrative reviews are a discussion of important topics from a theoretical point of view, and they are considered an important educational tool in continuing medical education. Narrative reviews take a less formal approach than systematic reviews in that narrative reviews do not require the presentation of the more rigorous aspects characteristic of a systematic review such as reporting methodology, search terms, databases used, and inclusion and exclusion criteria.


Opinion Article:


An article in which the opinion of one or more experts is expressed on a subject close to their field of knowledge. This opinion is based on the experience of the researchers and the available data and literature. Opinion articles seek to provoke and encourage a call to action on important scientific, political, ethical, and social issues. To this end, they propose a solution to the problem raised.




This type of contribution accompanies the research articles that the journal’s editors consider most important. In them, an expert in the field who has not participated in the study explains its relevance and contextualizes it. Commentaries are very useful to better understand the importance of a paper. They are usually commissioned by the journal itself.


Letters (short reports, letters, correspondence, brief communications…)


Letters to the editor are similar to those of traditional newspapers. They include brief comments of interest on academic, public interest, or even political topics. They can provide more or less anecdotal data that may be of interest and help other researchers in their further research. They are not always peer-reviewed and the review is not as thorough as with research articles.




Articles in which the journal’s editors themselves take a position on a topic of scientific, social or political interest. Editorials are not peer-reviewed.


The following types of articles will not be evaluated for the publication:


  • Single-case studies
  • Studies without direct or indirect implications in the field of psychiatry and/or clinical psychology
  • Studies concerning the psychometric properties of already existing instruments
  • Unsolicited editorials and/or opinion articles
  • Italian Validations of Tests.


There is no word, table, figure, or reference limit for Research, Review, and Theoretical perspective articles. However, it is advisable to contact the Editor before submitting any paper longer than 10000 words, and/or with more than 9 tables/figures, and/or with more than 150 references.


Commentary articles cannot exceed 2000 words. Up to 2 figures/tables and 10 references are allowed for these types of articles.


Editorials are by invitation only.


The official language of Clinical Neuropsychiatry is English. Papers in other languages, written in poor English, or using non-inclusive language will be desk-rejected.

Submit your work to Clinical Neuropsychiatry

Cover letter


The cover letter describing its main contents and relevance for research and clinical practice in the fields of psychiatry, neuropsychiatry, and/or clinical psychology, must also include a title page, which must comprise:

(1) the List of Authors, with contact details and indication of the Corresponding author;
(2) the Role of Funding Sources (if any);
(3) the Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest;
(4) an Ethics Statement indicating the institutional Approval of the study and the Informed consent (when relevant);
(5) an Acknowledgements statement (if any).

The manuscript

You must omit the authors’ names and affiliations so that the paper is ready to be sent to the referees immediately.


Each article must include an abstract, no longer than 300 words, and three to six keywords.

For Research and Review articles, a structured abstract is required, including the following section: Objective, Method, Results, Conclusions.

Parts of the paper

As Clinical Neuropsychiatry considers different types of manuscripts, the structure of manuscripts can vary accordingly. However, for research and review article, the preferred structure includes:

(1) Introduction – examining the object(s) of the study;
(2) Method – which must include details on the study characteristics and participants, procedures, methodologies, instruments, and statistical analyses;
(3) Results;
(4) Discussion – eventually including the clinical implications of the study;
(5) Conclusions.

Tables and Figures

Tables, figures, and references must be in APA style, 7th edition.

The images should be created in high-quality: the resolution of the images accepted is 300-600 dpi.

The authors are also requested to indicate exactly where these are to be inserted in the manuscript.


The reference page and the in-text references must be edited in the standard APA style 7th edition


Visit this link to read a complete guide.

Funding Disclosure

Declare any funding received for this study including details such as funder name, grant numbers, and the funder’s website in the submission system.


All Clinical Neuropsychiatry authors are required to declare what support they received to carry out their research. Declaring funding sources acknowledges funders’ contributions, fulfills funding requirements, and promotes greater transparency in the research process.

Competing Interests

In the submission system, declare on behalf of all authors whether there are any financial, personal, or professional interests that could be construed to have influenced the work.


Any relevant competing interests of authors must be available to editors and reviewers during the review process and will be stated in published articles.


All authors must download and complete a copy of the disclosure form, which is available as a PDF at They should keep a copy of the form and send a copy to their corresponding author who must insert it within the submitted manuscript.

All accepted articles will be published only after the signed copyright agreement form and disclosure statements (also a statement that the paper was also written in accordance to the ‘Guiding principles in the care and use of animals’) have been completed.

Fast track publication

Clinical Neuropsychiatry offers full online evaluation and, if accepted, publication within one week.


For costs and application click here.

Giovanni Fioriti Editore recommends that authors have their manuscripts checked by an English language native speaker before submission; this will ensure that submissions are judged at peer review exclusively on academic merit. We offer these services specialising in language editing and/or translation, and suggest that authors contact us as appropriate. Use of any of these services is voluntary, and at the author’s own expense.