Clinical Neuropsychiatry Volume 15, issue 1 – February 2018 Parenting stress in mothers of infants with congenital heart disease and of preterm infants at one year of age Simona De Stasio, Maria Franca Coletti, Francesca Boldrini, Francesca Bevilacqua, Andrea Dotta, Simonetta Gentile ... DOWNLOAD Post-stroke anxiety and depression: relationships to cognitive rehabilitation outcome Maria C. Quattropani, Alessandra Geraci, Vittorio Lenzo, Roberto Delle Chiaie, Antonella Filastro ... DOWNLOAD The role of social support and emotional intelligence on negative mood states among couples during pregnancy: an actor-partner interdependence model approach 364.93 KB 471 downloads Ivan Formica, Nadia Barberis, Sebastiano Costa, Jessica Nucera, Maria Laura Falduto,... Download Stress cardiomyopathy: a clinical case of recurrent of the Tako-Tsubo syndrome and short review of literature Sergio Fasullo, Giorgio Maringhini, Graziella Vetrano, Gaspare Parrinello, Giuseppina Novo, Maurizio Abrignani, Stefania Davì, Benedetto Morana, Alessandro Raffa e Nicolò Renda ... DOWNLOAD Panic attacks or epileptic seizures? Isabel Loução de Amorim, Ana Rita Peralta, Carla Bentes, José Pimentel ... DOWNLOAD An exploratory study on problematic Internet use predictors: Which role for attachment and dissociation? Alessandro Musetti, Grazia Terrone, Adriano Schimmenti ... DOWNLOAD Reliability, validity and factor structure of the Compulsive Acquisition Scale (CAS) Palmira Faraci, Claudia Perdighe, Claudio Del Monte, and Angelo Maria Saliani ... DOWNLOAD Testing for the dimensionality of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) on a sample of high school teachers Palmira Faraci ... DOWNLOAD Development of a new screening tool for cyber pornography: Psychometric properties of the Cyber Pornography Addiction Test (CYPAT) Marco Cacioppo, Alessio Gori, Adriano Schimmenti, Roberto Baiocco, Fiorenzo Laghi, Vincenzo Caretti ... DOWNLOAD Attachment relationships and internalization and externalization problems in a group of adolescents with pathological gambling disorder Grazia Terrone, Alessandro Musetti, Stefano Raschielli, Alberta Marino, Paola Costrini, Piergiorgio Mossi, Sergio Salvatore, Vincenzo Caretti ... DOWNLOAD