Clinical Neuropsychiatry Volume 16, issue 3 – June 2019


Impulsivity and alexithymia in virtual worlds: A study on players of world of warcraft

Noemi Rosa Maganuco, Antonino Costanzo, Laura Rosa Midolo, Gianluca Santoro, Adriano Schimmenti ...

Caregivers help-seeking related to physical and mental burden

Carmela Mento, Amelia Rizzo, Salvatore Settineri ...

Tracking psychopathy in female italian inmates: the role of the DSM-5 alternative model of personality disorders dysfunctional Personality domains

Antonella Somma, Andrea Fossati, Stefano Ferracuti, Vincenzo Caretti, Domenico Montalbò, Donatella La Tegola, Felice Carabellese ...